What We Do

As a court of the Catholic Church, our ministry is to apply Canon (Church) Law in adjudicating cases pertaining to petitions for a Decree of Marital Nullity. We hear cases which are being appealed after a decision from a First Instance Tribunal. We serve as the Appellate Tribunal for the Archdiocese of St. Louis, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, the Diocese of Jefferson City, the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, and the Archdiocese of Omaha.  

Cases are forwarded to our Appellate Tribunal by the Tribunal at which they were heard at First Instance. We then receive from the party who is appealing the case his or her statement explaining the foundation and rationale for their appeal as well as any additional testimony from the principal parties and any additional witness testimony which was not submitted for whatever reason at First Instance. Due to the geographical distance of most appellants from our offices, most correspondence with our Tribunal is generally conducted by ground or electronic mail or by telephone.  

Appeal Process

If you have received a judgment in response to a Petition for a Decree of Marital Nullity which you deem to be unjust or insufficiently founded on the facts of the matter, please submit your appeal in writing to the Tribunal which issued the decision within fifteen days of having received notification of the judgment. Your written appeal must include substantive explanation of the foundation and rationale for your appeal. The First Instance Tribunal will forward your case to us.