Navigate through our supportive network and discover resources tailored to your unique journey, offering understanding, guidance, and compassionate care.

Pregnancy and Parenting Support

Our network of agencies and ministries, including Catholic Charities, Good Shepherd Children and Family Services, and the Respect Life Apostolate are a beacon of support for mothers facing unexpected pregnancies and decisions about abortion. We provide alternative resources, compassionate counseling, and a caring community to empower mothers to choose life and build strong families. Our commitment is rooted in fostering a culture of respect for all life, recognizing the dignity of every person.

Abortion Healing Ministries

For those seeking healing after an abortion, our Abortion Healing Ministries offer a compassionate space. We understand the emotional and spiritual impact of such experiences and provide resources for recovery, support groups, and a caring community focused on the journey toward healing and restoration.

Natural Family Planning

Empower yourself with knowledge and choices through Natural Family Planning. Our dedicated resources guide mothers in understanding their fertility, promoting responsible family planning, and fostering a holistic approach to reproductive health. Discover a supportive community advocating for informed and empowered decisions.

Safe Spaces for Women and Children

For women and children experiencing domestic violence, Saint Martha’s provides immediate, confidential help and support services – offering a safe space to stay, any time.