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EDITORIAL | Asking big questions is an important step in understanding our faith

Seeking to understand our faith will reveal God’s steadfast love and truth


Anyone who spends time with small children has found themselves on the receiving end of some form of this question. Why do we brush our teeth? Why is it time to leave the playground? Why is the sky blue?

In the Gospels, Jesus praises the disposition of young children, saying, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Luke 18:16-17).

Children are not afraid to ask questions as they seek to understand the world around them. Are we receiving the kingdom of God in the same way — with enough boldness and humility to ask big questions as we dig deeper into our Catholic faith?

In this week’s edition, we’ve published the first installment of an occasional series: “Why _____ Matters.” The first topic we’ve tackled is the Old Testament. Why does this part of the Bible matter to the Church — and in our own lives — today?

“I see how the story of the people of Israel is my story,” said Gabrielle Smith, a parishioner at St. Clare of Assisi. “There are times where I haven’t trusted Him and had my doubts. But I see how God was still there with Israel, even when they didn’t trust Him. They were exiled and had to stay in the desert longer … and they needed that exile to learn from that. I saw how that parallels to my own life in some ways.”

Throughout this occasional series, we’ll explore the meaning and importance of different aspects and traditions of the Catholic faith. Our faith contains multitudes! Perhaps there are some topics that many of us have always wondered about; perhaps there are others that we’ve taken for granted without ever stopping to explore more deeply.

By asking questions with a sincere desire to understand, we increase our capacity to know and love God and His works. We can ponder aspects of our faith, wrestle with them, and come to a more intimate relationship with God and understanding of His Church. By taking ownership of our faith, we prepare ourselves to, in turn, share our newfound knowledge and understanding with others on the journey.

This series will be found in our Steadfast in Faith section for a reason. When we seek answers —when we seek God — we will find unending evidence of His love and truth.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains, “God, ‘He who is,’ revealed Himself to Israel as the one ‘abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.’ These two terms express summarily the riches of the divine name. In all His works God displays not only His kindness, goodness, grace, and steadfast love, but also His trustworthiness, constancy, faithfulness, and truth” (CCC 214).

As we continue to explore “Why _____ Matters,” how should we fill in the blank? What traditions of the Church or faith topics do you want to understand better? We welcome your suggestions, which can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to Editor, St. Louis Review, 20 Archbishop May Drive, St. Louis, Mo., 63119. Let’s journey deeper — together.

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