St. Francis Xavier (College Church) (St. Louis)

We, the members of St. Francis Xavier College church, form a welcoming Jesuit parish community. As followers of Jesus Christ, we praise God, love our neighbors as ourselves, celebrate liturgy and the sacraments, engage in lifelong formation, and proclaim God’s reign of justice, mercy, and peace.


  • Mrs. Katie JansenParish Life Coordinator
  • Reverend Timothy McMahonCanonical Pastor
  • Reverend Tucker ReddingAssociate Pastor

(314) 977-7300
(314) 977-7315
Visit Website

3628 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, 63108

  • Sunday
    8:00 am 
    10:30 am 
  • Saturday (Vigil)
    5:15 pm 
  • Monday
    7:15 am 
    12:00 pm 
  • Tuesday
    7:15 am 
    12:00 pm 
  • Ash Wednesday
    7:15 am 
    12:00 pm 
    5:15 pm 
  • Wednesday
    7:15 am 
    12:00 pm 
  • Thursday
    7:15 am 
    12:00 pm 
  • Friday
    7:15 am 
    12:00 pm