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Archdiocesan Deacon Diaper Drive

March 5April 13

March 5 – April 13 Archdiocesan Deacon Diaper Drive

During the weeks of Lent, Wednesday, March 5 through Sunday, April 13, 2025, the Permanent Deacons in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, in conjunction with the Respect Life Apostolate, will be collecting diapers for infants, toddlers and adults as part of our tenth annual diocesan-wide pro-life service project to assist families in need. Last year, over 225,000 diapers were collected for those in need and the hope is to exceed that total this year. Please consider placing the purchase of infant, toddler or adult diapers on your shopping list and bring them to your local parish during the Lenten weekends selected and advertised by your parish. All diapers collected will be donated to local families in need throughout the Archdiocese. There is a need for larger-sized diapers and toddler pull-up pants for children, as well as wipes and adult diapers. Please also pray for the success of this project and be as generous as possible.