Archdiocesan Deacon Diaper Drive

March 5 – April 13 Archdiocesan Deacon Diaper Drive During the weeks of Lent, Wednesday, March 5 through Sunday, April 13, 2025, the Permanent Deacons in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, in conjunction with the Respect Life Apostolate, will be collecting diapers for infants, toddlers and adults as part of our tenth annual diocesan-wide pro-life…

Jubilee of Choirs

Immaculate Heart of Mary 8 West Highway D, New Melle, MO, United States

Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary presents Jubilee of Choirs Mass and concert. Please join us for Mass and a concert featuring music of Holy Week & Easter. Featuring Liturgical…