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Alandon Pitts, a sophomore at Cardinal Ritter College
Preparatory High School, chanted “put down the gun, pick
up a book” as he walked along Lindell Boulevard, near
St. Francis Xavier “College” Church in Midtown, on March
14. Pitts was among Ritter students who participated in a
national day of protest day against gun violence.
Alandon Pitts, a sophomore at Cardinal Ritter College Preparatory High School, chanted “put down the gun, pick up a book” as he walked along Lindell Boulevard, near St. Francis Xavier “College” Church in Midtown, on March 14. Pitts was among Ritter students who participated in a national day of protest day against gun violence.
Photo Credit: Lisa Johnston | [email protected] | twitter: @aeternusphoto

Letters to the editor

March into children’s lives

Tragedy again has occurred with another school shooting in Florida, as well as the predictable hoaxes afterward. Perhaps when the parents of these school-aged children are finished protesting and marching against guns, they will march back home deeper into their children’s lives, their bedrooms, closets, dresser drawers, cars, phones and computer sites. Then they’ll march with them to the dinner table and living room and speak to one another. When the students return from their marches against guns, maybe they will pause and consider the consequences of worshipping the weird, celebrating a culture of death and destruction in their own lives with movies, video games and other entertainment that are anything but positive or enriching to decent life. There are much better things out there — namely, truth, goodness, beauty, respect for oneself and a genuine concern for the other.

God bless America.

Father Tom Wissler

Pastor, Sacred Heart Parish


Value human life

This walkout event, as detailed in the March 19-25 issue, was organized by a group that is not known for Christian values. The children were used to advance an agenda that refuses to face the real issue in any of the school shootings.

“Thou shalt not kill.”

Our Catholic students should pray for a return to moral values in the public educational system and enforcement of existing laws. Guns, knives, hammers or cars aren’t the issue, but acknowledging the value of human life and God’s love of humanity may be the solution.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Ken Chaplin

St. David Parish



Step back and take a look at the reporting of the “walkout” (‘United against violence,’ page 2-3, March 19-25 issue). Consider those that organized this movement, supporters of Planned Parenthood, abortion rights and promoters of LGBTQ lifestyle. Contrast this group with the organizers of the Catholic Women’s for Christ Conference. Then ask which of these stories belong on the front page of the St. Louis Review.

Ted Orf

St. Charles

More than a school issue

In local media pictures of Wednesday’s school walkouts, I was intrigued that so many of the students’ signs spoke not to mass shootings and gun laws, but the one-on-one vengeance killings that plague our city. Indeed, in 2017, St. Louis City experienced Parkland’s death count every month. Many issues — governmental, policy and medical — have been talked about, so I will note the one that is never talked about: Fatherlessness.

It’s a well-worn trope that fatherlessness is growing across all classes, and that among the poorest, over two-thirds of children are born to single mothers. Which means entire neighborhoods of boys are growing up looking for male role models on the street for lack of one at home. Taking their survival into their own hands for want of an imposing ally at their back. Not hearing that lovingly stern voice teach them one cannot simply lash out in anger as wanted. And entire neighborhoods of girls are growing up not learning that a man can love each one simply for who she is, rather than how she can attract him, setting the cycle to repeat interminably.

The numbers have been out there far too long for American society to plead simple ignorance. So our refusal to even discuss the issue will be the undoing of once great cities like St. Louis.

Bryan Kirchoff

Cathedral Basilica Parish

St. Louis

Less violence in media

Stricter gun control laws are not the solution to gun violence.

Conflict should be resolved at the lowest level possible. The problem is not the guns and their availability, but the environment that would drive an individual to use gun violence. The only problem is how to encourage society, especially schools, to rid themselves of toxic environments.

Younger generations have grown numb to violence, unless it directly affects them, because media have normalized it. Violence is everywhere in the news, music, social media and video games. Completely removing all of these influences does not seem to be any more plausible than reshaping an entire society because the damage from media is already done. Hiding the reality of violence in society is not effective either. There needs to be a way to teach younger generations how to handle social environments such as school. That way children understand how to appropriately handle situations when bad things such as bullying happen to them, instead of turning toward violence such as school shootings. Better yet, teach kids to be respectful of others and value all human life regardless.

Elizabeth Campbell

St. Joan of Arc Parish

St. Louis

Lenten priorities

I wonder what statement is being made when 900 people attend a fish fry while only 15 people attend the Stations of the Cross.

Bob Sontag

St. Matthias Parish Lemay

Editor’s note: Our coverage of the National Walkout Day protests against violence and for gun control elicited an unusual volume of letters.

As of press time, the Review hadn’t received any letters specifically supportive of the actions or messages of the walkout.

Letters to the editor 3

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