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Sandie Colbert from Kansas City prayed during pro-life lobby day March 12 in Jefferson City. More than 300 people attended the lobby day.
Sandie Colbert from Kansas City prayed during pro-life lobby day March 12 in Jefferson City. More than 300 people attended the lobby day.
Photo Credit: Lisa Johnston

Missouri governors, former Planned Parenthood manager, fires up crowd at annual pro-life lobby day

More than 300 attended annual event hosted by Missouri Right to Life

With a push for the legislature to pass the Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act, pro-lifers were fired up at a recent lobby day at the Missouri Capitol.

More than 300 people attended a rally in the Capitol rotunda March 12. Beforehand, they visited with legislators to ask for their support of pro-life legislation. The annual lobby day is hosted by Missouri Right to Life.

Gov. Mike Parson, who received a standing ovation from the crowd, referred to them as “soldiers” who are fighting a battle for the unborn.

“You’re fighting for people you’ll never know, you’ll never meet, and you’ll never see,” he said. “You’re the soldiers that are fighting every day for the unborn.”

As other states such as New York and Virginia venture further from upholding the right to life, Parson said, Missouri is taking an opposite direction, having passed HB 126, which he called “one of the strongest pro-life bills in the country.”

A crowd of pro-life supporters gathered in the Capitol rotunda as part of the pro-life lobby day sponsored by Missouri Right to Life. Attendees were able to visit with legislators and hear several pro-life speakers.
Photo Credits: Lisa Johnston
Sponsored by Rep. Nick Schroer, R-O’Fallon, HB 126, called the Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act, includes a ban on abortion after the detection of a fetal heartbeat; a ban on abortions at 20 weeks gestation, when an unborn child can begin to feel pain; enacts the “Right to Life of the Unborn Child Act,” which would ban all abortions in Missouri if Roe vs. Wade is overturned, a federal Human Life Amendment is adopted or a federal Human Life bill is enacted; bans abortions for reasons including Down syndrome, race or gender; requires a second custodial parent to be notified when a minor is seeking an abortion, with certain exceptions.

It also would increase medical malpractice insurance requirements for those who perform or induce abortions and adds additional insurance requirements for doctors who induce abortions using chemicals or drugs; and recognizes that “God is the author of life” and states that Missouri is a “sanctuary of life” that protects pregnant women and unborn children.

The bill provides an exception in cases where the mother is at risk of death or serious physical harm. There is not an exception for cases of rape or incest.

The measure now heads to the Senate for consideration. Missouri Right to Life president Steve Rupp said he’s hopeful that the Senate will keep the bill intact, without removing any provisions. The bill “covers a significant portion of the poisoning, dismembering of children that’s going on right now. Eventually we would like to see abortion become unthinkable — that we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Taking the life of a child is a moral issue.”

Other statewide officials who spoke included Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, Attorney General Eric Schmitt, and Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick. Legislators including Schroer and Sen. Bob Onder also spoke of their support for pro-life legislation. Bishop Shawn McKnight of Jefferson City opened the rally with prayer.

Sue Thayer shared her story as a former manager at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Iowa. She objected when the clinic began offering “webcam abortions,” a chemical-induced abortion led by a doctor at a remote location who speaks to a patient via video chat.

It was then that she felt the clinic was not focused on providing women’s health care, but increasing profits. She said that God began to reveal to her that abortion is wrong. In 2012, she led a 40 Days for Life campaign outside of the clinic in Storm Lake. By the end of the campaign in March, the clinic announced it was closing. She is now director of outreach for 40 Days for Life and founded a pregnancy resource center.

“Science shows us the miracle of life in the womb …yet we have so many people who deny the humanity of an unborn baby,” she said.

Thayer called the Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act “a bill that most pro-life people across the country only dream about.” Planned Parenthood, she said, doesn’t like any kind of regulations, such as clinic inspections, hospital privileges laws for doctors, or waiting periods before an abortion.

“They hate 24-hour waiting periods, because they know if a woman has time to think about it, she’s probably not going to go through with it.”

Vince and Marianne Burkemper of St. Joseph Parish in Manchester have attended the annual lobby day for many years, visiting with legislators to ask for their support of pro-life bills. Vince Burkemper, who coordinates St. Joseph’s participation with 40 Days for Life, said this year has been the parish’s largest response to the campaign — which includes standing outside Planned Parenthood in prayer — in recent years.

Marianne Burkemper said meeting with legislators in person “always has a positive impact. We’re not always called to be successful, but to persevere where we can.”

Sam and Stephanie Marsh of New Cambria, Mo., brought their four children to the lobby day. The family is a member of the Kirksville chapter of Missouri Right to Life. This was their third year attending.

“I like to come to fight for babies who can’t fight for themselves and to save lives,” said nine-year-old Samantha Marsh.

Stephanie Marsh said she got the entire family involved with Missouri Right to Life so they can understand the importance of life issues from a young age. “We didn’t realize the whole spectrum (of life) that is covered, that it’s all ages,” she said of the work of Missouri Right to Life. “Our daughter McKaylynn has special needs. People don’t stop to think if we’re murdering our babies, then who else?”

“I come because I think it’s our duty represent the unborn,” their son Kelton Marsh said. “To God, all life is important.”

Contact your senators

Contact your senators in support of HB 126, the Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act. To look up your senator’s contact information, visit www.senate.mo.gov.

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