Immaculate Conception (Union)

As Catholics of Immaculate Conception Parish, in communion with our Archbishop, and the Bishop of Rome, we are called by Jesus Christ to be His body, the Church, in our local community of Union, Missouri, and to live fully the Gospel. With faith, hope and charity, we strive to live our discipleship by fervent prayer, inspired worship, sound teaching, and sharing our faith with those in physical and spiritual need. Guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, and following the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we commit ourselves to building the Kingdom of God in our midst by being responsible stewards of all we have received from the past with a commitment and dedication for the future.


  • Reverend Peter BlakePastor
  • Reverend Eric KunzSenior Associate Pastor
  • Deacon Keith HendersonPermanent Deacon

(636) 583-5144
Visit Website

100 N. Washington Ave.
Union, 63084

  • Sunday
    10:00 am 
    7:00 am 
  • First Saturday
    8:00 am 
  • Saturday (Vigil)
    4:15 pm 
  • Holy Days
    8:00 am 
    12:15 pm 
  • Tuesday
    8:00 am 
  • Christmas
    8:00 am 
  • Christmas Eve
    4:00 pm 
  • Ash Wednesday
    8:00 am 
    12:15 pm 
    6:00 pm 
  • Easter
    10:00 am 
    7:00 am 
  • Holy Thursday
    7:00 pm 
  • Wednesday
    12:15 pm 
    8:00 am 
  • Easter Vigil
    8:00 pm 
  • Thursday
    8:00 am 
  • Friday
    8:00 am