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Saturday, 07/06/2024 at 6:30 PM

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Friday, 07/12/2024 at 5:00 PM -
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Friday, 07/19/2024 at 5:00 PM -
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Wednesday, 07/24/2024 at 5:00 PM -
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Sunday, 07/28/2024 at 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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Saturday, 08/03/2024 at 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

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Sunday, 08/04/2024 at 5:00 PM

Pope Francis blessed the faithful with holy water during Palm Sunday Mass March 25 in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. Celebrating Palm Sunday Mass with thousands of young people, Pope Francis urged them to continue singing and shouting “hosanna” in the world, proclaiming the lordship of Jesus and following His example of outreach to the poor and suffering.
Pope Francis blessed the faithful with holy water during Palm Sunday Mass March 25 in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. Celebrating Palm Sunday Mass with thousands of young people, Pope Francis urged them to continue singing and shouting “hosanna” in the world, proclaiming the lordship of Jesus and following His example of outreach to the poor and suffering.
Photo Credit: Tony Gentile | Reuters

POPE’S MESSAGE | Christians may be sinners, but Jesus saves from corruption

VATICAN CITY — Though they may go to church and say they are people of faith, the corrupt and “mafioso” have absolutely nothing Christian about them, Pope Francis said.

“They call themselves Christian, but they carry death in their souls and bring death to others,” the pope said at his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square March 28.

While the pope dedicated his audience talk to explaining the Triduum liturgies that commemorate the Last Supper and Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection, he diverted often from his prepared text and had particularly strong words against those who think they are honorable and justified without ever recognizing their own sins.

“If Christians truly let themselves be cleansed by Christ, if they truly let him strip the old from them in order to walk in new life — while remaining sinners, because we are sinners — they can no longer be corrupt, can no longer live with death in their soul or be the cause of death,” he said.

“Jesus’ justification saves us from corruption,” he added. “We are sinners, but not corrupt.”

“There are fake Christians, those who say ‘Jesus is risen. I have been justified by Jesus. I have new life, but I live a corrupt life.’ These fake Christians will have a terrible end,” he said.

“A Christian, I repeat, is a sinner. We are all sinners; I am one,” the pope said. “But we are certain that when we ask forgiveness, the Lord will forgive us. The corrupt person pretends to be an honorable person but, in the end, there is putrefaction in the heart.”

The new life that Jesus gives people leaves no place for “death in the soul” or for being the cause of someone’s death, which brings to mind “these so-called mafiosi Christians,” the pope said.

They call themselves Christian, but “they have nothing Christian about them,” he said, asking people to pray that God may touch their souls.

With baptism, people are risen with Jesus, and “we are dead to the things and logic of the world; we are reborn as new creatures,” which also demands a real and concrete response in life every day.

“The love that Jesus gave to us” now must be given to one’s neighbor, especially the least and those most in need, he said. “The world becomes the place of our new life” renewed in Christ.

“Standing with our head held high, we can share the humiliation of those who still today, like Jesus, are suffering, naked, in need, lonely, in death, in order to become, thanks to Him and with Him, instruments of redemption and hope, signs of life and resurrection,” he said.

He encouraged people to take part in a tradition followed in his native Argentina and other countries: On Easter, “mothers and grandmothers take their children and wash their eyes with water as a sign” of seeing things anew, things Jesus would see.

“This Easter, let ourselves, our souls be washed, wash the eyes of our soul so as to see things that are beautiful and in order to do things that are beautiful,” the pope said. “This is wonderful. This is exactly the resurrection of Jesus after His death, which was the price for saving all of us.”

Going to confession is getting God’s loving embrace

VATICAN CITY — God always loves and always remains faithful to His children, despite their sin and idolatry, Pope Francis said. “The faithful God cannot disavow Himself, cannot disavow us, cannot deny His love, cannot deny His people, He cannot because He loves us,” the pope said in his homily March 22 at morning Mass in the Domus Sanctae Marthae.

God’s love is as “visceral” as a mother’s love for her child, he said, which means it is a bond that cannot be forgotten.

This offers reassurance and hope, he said, because no matter how awful, difficult or sinful one’s life is, God “does not forget you because He has this visceral love.”

It is a love that offers joy, too, especially with the sacrament of reconciliation, he said. The pope reminded people that when they go to confession, “please, let’s not think that we are going to the dry cleaners to get a stain out. No. We are going to receive the loving embrace of this faithful God who always waits for us. Always.”

— Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service

POPES MESSAGE Christians may be sinners but Jesus saves from corruption 2

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