Serving St. Louis, Jefferson, Ste. Geneveive, Perry, St. Francois, and Washington Counties
The Southern Vicariate Office is one of three vicariate offices in the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
The Southern Vicariate contains 32 parishes and is led by an Episcopal Vicar and two deans.
We nourish the seeds of faith in Word through faith formation programs, tools to develop small faith-sharing groups, evangelization team training, retreat ministry, catechesis, young adult & youth ministry, marriage preparation and enrichment, and formation on Catholic social teaching.
We nourish the seeds of faith in Deed by networking and collaborating with professionals and volunteers in addressing social needs throughout the region, with an emphasis on homelessness, mental health, and prison ministry.
Contact Us
Contact your local Vicariate.
Very Reverend
Mike Lydon, V.E.
Episcopal Vicar, Southern Vicariate
Mike Lydon, V.E.
Episcopal Vicar, Southern Vicariate
Joyce Mard
Vicariate Coordinator, Southern Vicariate
Vicariate Coordinator, Southern Vicariate