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Pipes for Parkinson St. Louis

Saturday, 07/06/2024 at 6:30 PM

Summer Silent Directed Retreat

Monday, 07/08/2024 at 9:00 AM -
Saturday, 07/13/2024 at 4:00 PM

St. Joseph Parish Picnic

Friday, 07/12/2024 at 5:00 PM -
Saturday, 07/13/2024 at 11:00 PM

SSND Summer Service Week

Sunday, 07/14/2024 at 5:00 PM -
Saturday, 07/20/2024 at 11:00 AM

REFLECT Retreat for Mid-Life Singles

Friday, 07/19/2024 at 5:00 PM -
Sunday, 07/21/2024 at 3:00 PM

Encounter School of Ministry Summer Intensive

Wednesday, 07/24/2024 at 5:00 PM -
Saturday, 07/27/2024 at 9:00 PM

Bereaved Moms and/or Dads Afternoon of Reflection

Sunday, 07/28/2024 at 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Care for the Caregiver Workshop

Saturday, 08/03/2024 at 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

St. Vincent de Paul School Dinner Auction

Sunday, 08/04/2024 at 5:00 PM



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541 Results
  • Edition: September 13-19, 2021,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • September 09, 2021

The cross shows us that ‘self-emptying’ is a better way to deal with suffering than the world’s ways

  • Edition: September 13-19, 2021,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • September 09, 2021

La cruz nos muestra que “vaciarse a sí mismo” es una manera mejor de lidiar con el sufrimiento que las maneras del mundo

  • |
  • September 15, 2021

Archbishop Rozanski addresses the Gospel of Life Prayer Breakfast

  • Edition: September 20-26, 2021,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • September 16, 2021

There is excitement — and challenges — in knowing that plans for future glory will not be the same as that of the past

  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • September 16, 2021

Hay emoción — y desafíos — al conocer que los planes para la futura gloria no serán iguales a los del pasado

  • Edition: September 27-October 3, 2021,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • September 23, 2021

We can fight our spiritual battles better by letting the spirit of trust and surrender grow

  • Edition: September 27-October 3, 2021,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • September 23, 2021

Podemos pelear mejor nuestras batallas espirituales permitiendo que crezcan el espíritu de confianza y la entrega

  • Edition: October 4-10, 2021,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • September 30, 2021

Readings from Jonah this week illustrate the missionary attitude God wants us to have

  • Edition: October 4-10, 2021,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • September 30, 2021

Esta semana las lecturas de Jonás ilustran la actitud misionera que Dios quiere que tengamos

  • Edition: October 11-17, 2021,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • October 07, 2021

Es por esa razón que debemos invitar a los demás a compartir esa medicina, en lugar de guardarla solo para nosotros

  • Edition: October 18-24, 2021,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • October 14, 2021

Simply following all of our desires, without discerning from where they come, can lead to ruin

  • Edition: October 18-24, 2021,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • October 14, 2021

Seguir simplemente todos nuestros deseos, sin discernir de dónde vienen, puede llevarnos a la ruina

  • Edition: October 25-31,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • October 21, 2021

Groaning of the spirit is an appropriate response to problems, when we put our hope in Christ

  • Edition: October 25-31,
  • Volume: Volume 80 - St. Louis Review 2021
  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • October 21, 2021

Cuando ponemos nuestra esperanza en Cristo, el gemido del espíritu es una respuesta apropiada a los problemas

  • By: Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski
  • |
  • October 28, 2021

No matter where we start, Jesus is willing to walk with us toward purification, asking only for us to take each step with Him

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