Services and Resources

In response to the teachings of Jesus Christ, our mission is to serve all people who are in need or suffering, and to call members of the Church and community to do the same.

The services the Archdiocese of St. Louis offers throughout its 11 counties provide for a wide range of people: couples seeking preparation before marriage; individuals who are in need of grief counseling; people who are divorced and searching for healing, children who are dependent, abused, and neglected; adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness; women who are abused; parents and children requiring family counseling; people struggling with drug abuse or alcoholism; older adults with special needs; couples wanting to build their family through adoption, men and woman who feel the call of a religious vocation, and many, many more.

We offer instruction, services, and resources for anyone who comes to our offices and agencies, regardless of their faith, background, race, or creed. We don’t help people because they are Catholic, we help people because we are Catholic.

St. Louis, pray for us!

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For Families

The Catechism of the Catholic Church refers to the family as a “domestic church” (2204). A family helps us to understand God's love because the communion of persons that we call family best exemplifies the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The gift of children to a family reflects the glory of God’s creative acts. The family is a sign of God’s love.

Being a sign of Christ’s love every minute of every day challenges each member of the family. As your family shares the joys and struggles of relationship, you may find the resources offered through individual offices and agencies helpful!

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For Young Adults

The Mission of the Catholic Youth Apostolate is to help all young people hear and actively respond to the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and enthusiastically participate in the life and mission of Jesus Christ and His Church.

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For Vocations

The process you will follow to answer the fundamental question of whether you should give your life entirely to God is called discernment. Your vocation as a Christian will be the particular way you live the universal call to holiness. Through prayer, study, conversation with others and reflection, you will be able to discover God’s plan for you. 

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For Those in Need

In response to the teachings of Jesus Christ, our mission is to serve people in need, especially those who are poor and vulnerable; work to improve social conditions for all people in the community; and to call members of the Church and community to do the same.

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Supporting Ministries

Marriage & Family Life


20 Archbishop May Dr. St. Louis, MO 63119-5738

Natural Family Planning (NFP)


Email Ministry

11700 Studt Ave., Ste. C St. Louis, MO 63141

Kenrick- Glennon Seminary


5200 Glennon Dr. St. Louis, MO 63119-4399

Catholic Charities of St. Louis


4445 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108-2098