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News and Events


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Catechist 101

Various Dates/Locations


Discover your role as a catechest as a "witness of faith and keeper of the memory of God."

Contact Samantha Grone with questions at






Catechetical Leader Retreat

July 24-25 | July 28-29


The pastoral ministry coordinators for the Northern, Southern and Western vicariates are hosting two overnight retreats for all catechetical ministers. It's the same retreat, offered at two different times. Mark your calendars and share with other catechetical leaders in your parish. 



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Evangelization 201 Workshop.Full Flyer


Evangelization 201


Evangelization 201 classes are now being offered at parishes in the Western Vicariate. Learn practical ways to live out our response to God's invitation to share the Good News through our words and actions. You need not have attended Evangelization 101 nor live in the vicariate to attend. All are welcome. 






Office of youth Ministry 


The flyer highlights the Archdiocese's Office of Youth Ministry's (OYM) current program offerings. More information can be found on their website. As always, click on the flyer to enlarge and download.


Learn more





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